
Implementation actions:

  • Demo plant set-up for the B3 Board production (Sundeala): This action focuses on the upgrading the existing Sundeala’s pilot plant to a demonstration plant with an increased production capacity, B3 Board production quality equal to the standard MDF and cost reduction. This objective will be achieved by the installation of three custom units on the existing plant.
  • Fine-tuning of the B3 Board production process (FiberLean, Sundeala, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences): In this action the partners will optimise the process settings and B3 Board recipe to optimise product quality and process runnability, while minimising costs. The output will be specifications finalised for input and process conditions.
  • B3 Board product validation (FiberLean, Sundeala, Alfa Wood): This action aims at validating the performances of the B3 Board under an end-user perspective. This consists in the evaluation of mechanical and physical properties of the B3 Board and its usability in different conditions, confirmation of the compatibility of the B3 Board surface with high-grade treatments required by the furniture market, demonstration of the usability of the B3 Board as furniture component and confirmation of the recyclability at the end of life.
  • Continuation, replication and transfer (FiberLean, Sundeala, Alfa Wood): This action aims to promote the market uptake of the B3 Board in the furniture and construction industries. The industrial partners will therefore collaborate in the definition and implementation of the commercialisation strategy as well as in outlining a plan for future scale-up, the replication and transferability of the technology in other sectors.

Monitoring of the impact of the project actions:

  • Life cycle assessment (LCA) (FiberLean): This action oversees and assesses the sustainable performance of LIFE B3 FURN through an LCA environmental impact assessment (according to the PEF method).
  • Socio-economic impact assessment (FiberLean): This action focuses on measuring the impact and benefits of the project and its actions on the society and on the economic activities.

Public awareness and dissemination of results

  • Dissemination of the project results (FiberLean, all): The objective is to generate awareness and to attract interest of industrial stakeholders to maximise the exploitation opportunities of the project. This will be done through presentation of LIFE B3 FURN at international business events, social media campaign and organisation of Industrial Workshops.
  • Networking (FiberLean, all): the objective will be to establish synergies with other relevant EU projects, initiatives and stakeholders.

Project Management

  • Project Management (FiberLean, all): this action is dedicated to the overall management of the project, including the administrative and financial management, reporting to the EC, meetings organisation, auditing and green procurement.
  • After-LIFE Plan (FiberLean, Sundeala, Alfa Wood): Partners will set an Exploitation strategy to be implemented after the end of the LIFE B3 FURN project to ensure the successful replicability and transferability of the solution and market uptake.